There is a Creator. The universe did not create itself.
God is good. He is truth. He is love. He is Spirit with persona.
God inspired the writing of the Bible, and it is a reliable, multi-witness account of the evolving relationship between God and mankind. Where it speaks: We speak. Where it is silent: We are silent.
There is only one God. God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit are all aspects of the same Being.
God cares for us as individuals.
Jesus was a real, living, breathing person. He was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified as a criminal, arose from the dead, and was lifted into Heaven.
His birth, life, and death fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about the Promised One. He is the Messiah.
He did not stay dead! He rose to prove to us that he has the power of life over death so we would believe what he said.
He commanded us to love each other and to spread the good news of his resurrection to all people.
You must choose to be a Christian. You cannot be born one. No one else can make you one. You must believe that Jesus is God’s own son, trust him to save you, be baptized, and live following the examples and commands of the New Testament.
Baptism is a rebirth. It comes from total immersion in water—you die to sin, are buried in the water and rise again with Jesus into a new life as a Christian.
Christianity is not a condition you reach. Rather, it is a path you take.
Good deeds alone will not get you into heaven. Nor will just filling a pew on Sunday mornings. Your heart must belong to God and you must act on the faith you profess.
Christians must have fellowship with other Christians. They must worship together. They must pray together. This is for mutual encouragement, strength, and growth as Christians.
Satan is real. Hell is real. There is a war going on between good and evil, an everyday struggle for people’s souls. Punishment for a life not lived on God’s side is both real and eternal.
There will be a day of reckoning, a judgment day, for all people who have ever lived.
Jesus saves. Being a friend of His is the only way into Heaven!